Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gut Feeling

It has been quite sometime since I last blogged. Seems like so long ago I started with my first blog and then there is a gap there. It's not like things didn't happen to fill the blog space, it just seems to be gradually one thing after another. That one day back in Feb. I had this feeling to start a blog and then I wasn't really sure about blogging but now I know.... and this might sound crazy...I kept hearing this going through my thoughts.. "Try it again..Go for it..It'll be worth it!" I have no idea where this road will lead but we'll just take this journey and roll with it..

So many things to say.. I will start slow this first morning getting back. We had church last night... God is so good and he is our rock, our strength. One of my songs I ultimately love goes like this.. Faith,Faith,Faith just a little bit of faith don't need alot just use what you got ...Faith, Faith, Faith. It doesn't take alot... I know everyone in their lives has had trials and downslopes where it feels like you going 90 to nothing on and you just can't seem to get a grip on life. The days you might have where you just want to grab your pillow and scream as loud as you can into it. I'm here to say "You can do it and everything will work out.... Along with FAITH our sermon was about HOPE.. We're all human and in today's world hope can be kinda of scarce to find. As a person well we're male or female you just got reach in there and grab hope by the harness and pull it tight. You can't let go and let it fade away.

There are so many good blogs out there in our cyberworld but If I can give just one person a little inspiration filled with hope and faith then that has made my day!!

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