Yea.uh that title just shot out there.. so going with it!!
Wheeww..So it's been what like FOREVER since I last posted...
Reading back..I have really notta clue where I left off so... Mrs. Stephanie is gonna wing this ..feel free to climb into my plane and join me on this ride..
1. Semester of college ended...PRAISE GOD...because honestly I thought at one point I was entering a state of breakdown... Overall did fairly well..Well honestly I tanked Math..LOL...Math has never been a subject of mine. I initially when looking into college wanted to be a Surgical Tech..and then when I seen the math credentials..OH NO >> not going there.. So next thing in line NURSE>.....I know I'm really gonna have to book it this next semester..***Note to self(No late nights tending to my farm on fb**)
2. Mrs. Stephanie has also been contemplating working next fall ..when the kids go back into school.. If I thought this last semester was crazy....I better hold onto my skirt because this one could be quite challenging...
But ......really what do I do my husband does work a job..but with 4 kids....hello.. it is still tight.. but realistically...uh I'm only one person here ..... Women as we know are spread thin enough so for me to work too.. I'm honestly scared...So..moving on..
3. We finished soccer last saturday..J really pulled out all the stops the last 2 games..usually he gets tired out by the end of the season game 5 GOALS>.... Ladies..I about shouted.. and did kart wheels..Okay..not the kart wheel part but yes .. I was one screamin lady out there..cuz everyone knows generally i'm not the quiet one.......HAHAHA
4. Miss K arm all good and done... Lookin forward for her to blossom in the fall with soccer..Help expend that sassy mouth.Lord help her..Maybe it's her hitting that stage or age.. who knows.. but I do alot of counting and praying on her behalf..
5. Baseball is going on still...J is pickin up speed on hitting.. at the beginning you would prob. here my mouth expend...arm ....raise it up and out but now... ZIPPIDY ZIP.. and man he hits it out..
6. The school year ended..they had a 2 week break and.........yes i'm the mean momma ..they have entered the dreaded Summer School...Now there are pros and cons to this.. Pros...they get ready for the next year and don't lose so much learning that they have memory banked in....Cons would be the outrageous traffic congestion I encountered to pick them up...oh .. I finally after almost 10 sitting in the turning lane knew I wasn't moving anytime soon so I parked it and walked across the street...WELL...more like power walked..and I was tired out...ya I don't get much exercise.. Pros.. a few hours without hearing I'm bored...I'm hungry..What happened to the imagination and playing outside......HMMMM
7. My most exciting news..
Our church last sunday held a Friends Day Service.. We had almost 130 visitors...WOO HOO>. I was the amount of people walking in ..I felt so blessed and honored to be a part of this celebration.. There were a group of us that handed out 3000 flyers to homes and even were intitled to bless people at our walmart stores.. It was incredible that is one word..To know that they felt compelled to come for whatever reason..The seed has been planted and I know God is so Awesome and our pews will continue to fill up..
Being a part of this Outreach Team and walking and meeting people was and still is a beautiful thing.. Oh absolutely was I tired.. oh I could've crawled the next morning but I know it's all worth it..
Really not much new going on..
Let's see...Bits & Bites.
House is still crazy looking....Don't have no idea how it ends in a matter of destruction after it was clean just last night...
Ball got rained out last night in the 3rd inning.. drop..drop..sprinkle..sprinkle..down pour..and was cooled off from the upper 80 temps we'd had.. so yea my smaller two were getting panicky.
Picked up crocheting again....Boy how I wish I will speed through it quicker.. I'll have to post a pick of progress.. Maybe like a weekly one.. that'll motivate me to really move on it .. I wouldn't hear my husband repeatedly ask how is it going..Every other day...
Okay..It's time to put on your jump packs...I have babies fussing and making more messes..
P.S.. Thank you to those who have stuck around..I needed a blog break..after awhile it can ..lead one to needing a breather..
Love you Dad
2 months ago
Yes I did need some popcorn for this...LOL j/k Yes outreach was AWESOME!!! I am so excited to see what God is doing and going to do!!! Love ya girl!!!
you just never slow down, do you??? hope the summer will bring you a little bit of rest and time to yourself! :)
Wow, you have a ton going on!
I hear you with the MATH weakness, I am thankful God did not make that an essential to be a nurse!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words of support! I am feeling better by the hour!
Take care of yourself busy, wife, mom, student...
Look, I can't even take the time to read the post, because I am so amazed at the similarities between your blog and mine, which makes no sense because I have not even read it! Sorry, I will explain! I clicked on you from another blog, because you are yarnmomma. I am mommab. I a YARN FREAK! I get here and your blog name is My Crazy Life. Mine is My Crazy Kids! I think I will have to follow you for that alone! I also follow MckMama and I have read about April Rose, but I had to stop, because it is just so painful for me to read about her mother and what she has gone through. I spent and entire day sobbing over it and decided that it was too much for me. I had an infant niece die, so that is probably why. Whew, sorry for the life story!
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