I first want to say that my ULTIMATE favorite P word is PRAYER...
Prayer- is the act of attempting to communicate with a deity or spirit. Purposes for this may include worshipping, requesting guidance, requesting assistance, confessing sins, as an act of reparation or to express one's thoughts and emotions.
I believe in Prayer whole heartedly..I love to pray..When I was younger I attended church a few times BUT when I was 29 last Father's Day did I give myself to the Lord. I have had some battles this last year..BUT I do know that our God is our Strength, our Rock, our Provider, our best Friend. When you feel ALL alone he is right there..just reach out and touch him.
Prayer gives us comfort and peace and our God hears our prayers. We even myself have to remember that it is God's timing not my timing.
When a person being through a blog or someone in my church ask for prayer. I take that and do just that..
God hears our Prayers so please know that no matter what when you are praying, calling out to God..he takes his arms and wraps them around you.
Having said all of this to say........If anyone has a prayer request, please let me know. You can contact me through here or on the right is my email address...
.................okay switching gears here....................................
If you were to grab a dictionary you could open it and find many ...interesting words..some more intriguing to read than others.......
My post today is brought by the letter P..................HA
I have some P words that I enjoy ........
One that I LOVE
and some..........
My lil K & our P words.....
Potty & yea P..P
This child.. my daughter isn't 2 yet but she really is pushing my WHITE not grey hairs literally out. She thinks because brother lil J can do his business in the B room than well why can't she... UH HELLO..Trying to explain why her being a girl aren't able to do things like her brother.. AHEM.. isn't working so well...
Everyone knows ..hopefully..a favorite song of mine is 'I am Free'.. I love it .. when it hits the radio in the car.. I turn it up and yes I am a car singer and LOVE IT.. lil K takes it really to heart and shreds all articles and so...............
I went in this morning to get her up and YEA......she was FREE..
Oh Jesus Help Me!! I ask her where are your clothes and diaper?
Uh ...I dunno know.....and I found them on the floor..I said k madison did you take your diaper off..
And she is knows when she is in trouble she takes her arm and covers her face..she says YES.. I go Potty!!
I know their are parents who potty train at her age..But I just don't know what to do with this. I can take her to do her business in the B room but again she thinks she can STAND......AHHHHH...
So this is my CRAZY moment.........and it's not 10 a.m. yet.
Hugs & lots of water because it is SCORTCHING HOT today......
Love you Dad
2 months ago
I want to rob something from your prayer post, but I want you to know I am doing it, so if you see it on my blog, you know I am not swiping your material! I just appreciate the content enough to share! I will give you full credit!
You are so funny... lil K and her freedom!!! Aren't you glad you have Jesus to lean on for strength? :) I enjoyed your blog about prayer... how true it is about it being very important... prayer changes things.. thats forsure... not in our timing, but God's!!! Love ya!
kiddos love to be free, mom! sophie b is just now learning how to pull at the tabs on her diaper, so i'm sure those days are coming soon for us. yikes!!!! hope the rest of your day went a little (or a lot!) more smoothly!!!!!
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