I stopped to ponder my title for this post and AHEM.......nothing..
Not really sure what that is all about as all of a sudden I can't spit out a delicate title.. This women of many thoughts and yet no post title ..Odd I know..
If you wondering....No I haven't had anymore episodes of forgeting my children at school..LOL.. Miss K made sure on Monday that I knew school let out and 2 ..Gee ..they really think mom would forget twice..Not gonna say it won't happen again someday but let's hope not for a LONG while!!
Well we've hit WEDNESAY..and PRAISE GOD..we have service tonight because I am patiently waiting until we go.. The clock says 4:24 a.m. Oh goodness I still have 14 hours to go..HA..
Nothing compares to the breath of air you feel when you open the church doors and walk in. A person can be weighed down with many burdens and yet when you turn the door knob and enter ... oh it's breathless... I have felt it..I have encountered periods of time in my life where emotionally and spirtually all I could do was gather myself together and I felt so broken that I have literally hung over the alter pew. To let out all my tears, all my fears, all my burdens, ask for forgiveness for my short falls and NOTHING..NOTHING compares to the unconditional love our god gives us. To feel the Lords presence in your life..is PRICELESS..
I'd have to say a new favorite song of mine is 'Savior Please'..Oh it really can touch your heart and I recommend anyone to pull it up ...Love It..
As one can see I have yet to finish my Anniversary Post.. AHEM..
My mind has been filled with lots of stuff..so yea...still working on it..
Then I just realized uh....Father's Day is on SUNDAY... oh Jesus help me!!
I won a scrapbook through Polly's Path blog..(Love her blog..You can find her blog below on the right.. I could insert it here and make it look cute but I have no clue so there is my shout out)..
Yea back to that book..uh .. days are ticking down and oh help me I HAVEN'T started yet.. and I also thought well that blanket I was making for my husband I could give that to him for Father's Day..HA HA .. Until I realized that it's just around the corner..No matter how fast I crochet .. that would be considered magic to have it done ...
That blanket..I have got to get with it..I took a few days off but having been making progress and I so need to get it done before semester starts again..FYI that is in AUGUST..oh Jesus Help Me!!
It seems to be the older I get.. not that i'm again rapidly.. do I lose a handle of time..and some days I am on to getting things accomplished and others not so much..maybe I need time management skill help..HA>.. OR maybe it is the fact that my YOUNGER two are about to take my patience to a WHOLE other level...
Oh and I am NOT kidding when I say another level..because them two together are like peas & carrots of naughtyville.. They mize well be twins eventhough they are a year apart..It's like they have a secret language and they are in cahoots to drive this momma batty..
For instance I didn't think yesterday was EVER going to end..
Two monkeys jumpin on the couch..
Using toys to manuver flippin over the back of the couch..
Sneakin upstairs and climbing on the bunk beds...HELLO.. can I say broken arm.. or LEG..and these kids are NOT very old almost 2 & 3..
OH miss lil K deciding to AHEM..be free of all clothing and under accessories..yea at first I chuckled but NO MORE!!
She thinks because her bubba can do things standing.....AHEM.. so can SHE..not gonna happen..
OH the potty training.. let me have my moment here..my lil J will be 3 in August..and the other two had NO problems transitioning over at 2 weeks before turning 3 but this one..OH BOY.. I am beginning to wonder ..He can do either business not a problem and he'll even go when needed BUT if he is in big boy pants...AHEM..doesn't or won't go when needed.. WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT..
I know something is gonna have to give..before my sanity does..It is for sure no two kids are alike.. all my children are beautiful blessings and don't get me wrong because I do cherish my kids..but wheew..it is never a dull day..lil K is getting so big..she isn't 2 yet but it seems she is getting so big, advancing faster than the others..oh time stand still..let her be 2 and not jump to 12 so fast I lose sight of her milestones.
It is amazing when I turn on music that I start chattering.. and chattering.. boy this post is gonna be long winded.. I do apologize..oh goodness it's 5 am.. I like the quiet at this time.. I won't like the tired part later but as long as I don't fall asleep in church..AHEM..then I'll be good..:)
Well K participated in a walk a thon for church last saturday in efforts of raising money for camp..
Just a couple weeks and she'll be off to camp for a whole week..where she'll be out..doing things..
Having a sleepover with a friend is one thing but actually gone for a WEEK..where I won't have a play by play of what's going on...Their will be alot of deep cleaning that week..
If I cry when my kids sing in the choir at church(everytime because they melt my heart) then I will be a bumbling mess on July 6th..I guess I could get a ticker countdown..lol..to help me ..oh goodness..
Well enough rambling..
We had baseball last night.. again on this friday..Next week we have 4 count them FOUR games.. I see alot of grey hair sprouting then..and yea I have some now..lol..they seem to sprout at the front.. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT anyway?
Hugs & Love on This Wednesday!!
Love you Dad
2 months ago
I love the potty training woes! Our little lady will be 3 in July. She is potty trained and has been, but a few weeks ago she started peeing her pants about three times a day! Sometimes more! It drives me crazy! I don't know what to do and any amount of corner time or other punishment does not seem to help. Yesterday, we took the oldest boy on a small outing and left all the other kids with my sister. Upon arriving home, I made a comment to my husband about the fact that she has finally stopped doing that and she piped up, "No, I peed my pants!" I said, "What? You peed your pants while we were gone?" Happily, she replied, "Yes, and my underwear!" UGH!
As for Father's Day??? I am right there with you. My husband's birthday is five days later and I don't know what to do about that either! Oh, and we are financially destitute, or very close to it, so I really don't know what to do! Making him something would be great, but I have no idea what!
sorry for the book!
WHEW... I am glad you are no preacher, we would never get out of service..LOL.. j/k! You better get busy on that album girl, Fathers day is just around the corner.. where does the time go?? I already told my dad that his gift will be late... with having to mail it, I am not all into that... Anywho!!! You are right about church.. just something about walking in those doors... makes everything that has happened during the day, just go away!!! Just a few more hours... I am ready!!! See ya there! :) Love ya!
Wow!!!! That is quite an awesome post...
loved your beautiful words about being in the house of the Lord...
Good luck with all of the business of summer!
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