Little Miss Kayleigh recently had surgery and is recovering..unfortunately she isn't recovering like everyone hoped. In fact, her cerebral cortex isn't working and the physicians believe she actually might be brain dead...
But our god has a plan.. a plan of grace, strength and mercy. Please won't you pray for baby kayleigh at this time. Her parents really need some love and strength. This beautiful little girl was born only weighing just a hair over 1 pound. She has defied the odds more than not and she's so precious. People all over the world have followed Aimee's blog, whether by accident or purpose, AND their life will give you hope, strength, love, grace and feel so loved by our wonderful god.
Please go by and see updates on kayleigh's blog.
Also praying for Baby Stellan... He's in Boston and he had surgery this morning..He is recovering..Again ... Many people LITERALLY around the world praying for him today and every day. He is another precious child of god's. His mother MckMama will bless you with her strength, faith and love for her god, the physicians, and her family.
His blog is on the right..
Sending Huge Hugs,
Love you Dad
2 months ago
praying for both of those kiddos!!!! how did the ortho appt go? did i miss the update? my allergies are brutal this week, so i'm not myself at all. ugh. hope the arm is better!
Praying also over here. I came across your blog through Hoping for Our Own Peanut. I am with you on the laundry front, too!
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